Professional Home Organizer
Simplify Your Home
“I love organizing homes everywhere… One room at a time!
Our homes should be our oasis. Life should be Fabulous but also Functional!”
– Wendy Ahrens Thomas, Owner
Our Services
Total Home Organization, Garages, Sheds & Storage Units, Pre-Move Purging & Staging, Light Packing, Unpacking, Downsizing, Senior Transitions, Holiday Decorating & Wrapping, Seasonal Closet Organizing, and Grocery Management & Shopping.

An organized bathroom just feels good. Plus it speeds things up when getting ready!

This is a vital space for organization; it helps make cooking & cleaning a whole lot easier to manage.

Create a space you can use to relax and recharge.

A well-organized office promotes productivity & reduces work-related stress.

Purge, Pack, Unpack and Settle in quickly & efficiently. We also provide specialized services in aiding senior adults and their families with the moving/ transition process.
Organized Spaces
“Good order is the foundation of all good things.” – Edmund Burke

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